Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Finally New DIY Book

Finally I made a new DIY book! Acturally this is the book of my drawings!

Little Drawings

I drew these little ones during today's seminar, hehee, sorry, the seminar was kind of boring.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Gift from Company

Bubu got a gift from the company! It is a GTX jacket. Nice color nice design, waterproof and windstop. It is the best jacket I got from my company ever. So happy because I am so going to need this when going to the nature places with Momo! And this one matches so well the one Momo has!

Saturday, May 18, 2013


The Summer is finally here. 
New leaves coming into the trees. 
Warm enough to lie down on the beach. 
I feel lucky on this island I live. 

Friday, May 17, 2013

Chinese Lesson Three

xing qi yi --- monday
xing qi er --- tuesday
xing qi san --- wednesday
xing qi si --- thursday
xing qi wu --- friday
xing qi liu --- saturday
xing qi tian --- sunday
xing qi --- week
nian --- year
yue --- month
hao --- day
zao shang --- early morning (before 9)
shang wu --- morning
zhong wu --- noon
xia wu --- afternoon
ban wan --- evening
wan shang --- night

x, q, y, s, w, l, t, n, h, z, sh, b

ing, i, er, an, w, iu, ian, ue, ou, ao, ang, ia

1/ From monday to saturday, we put numbers after xing qi from one to six. But sunday it is xing qi tian instead of xing qi qi.  
2/ When we say date, we start from year, and then month, then day. And number in front. Opposite to English. 2013 nian 5 yue 18 hao.
3/ For the month, we don't have special words like May, March. We just put the numbers in front of Yue. 3 yue=march. 5yue=may.

Chinese Lesson Two

ling --- zero
yi --- one
er --- two
san --- three
si --- four
wu --- five
liu --- six
qi --- seven
ba --- eight
jiu --- nine
shi --- ten
bai --- hundred
qian --- thousand
wan --- ten thousand
yi --- hundred million
kuai --- unit of RMB
mao --- 10 cents
fen --- cent
duo shao qian --- how much (to ask price)
duo shao --- how many, how much
qian --- money
liang --- two (to describe how many/how much)
gui --- expensive
pian yi --- cheap
hen --- very
dian --- o'clock
fen --- minute
miao --- second
ban --- half
zao --- early
wan --- late

l, y, s, w, q, b, j, sh, k, m, f, d, g, p

ing, i, er, an, u, iu, a, ai, ian, iang, uai, ao, en, uo, ui, iao

1/ After the one digital numbers from zero to nine, we have Shi 10, Bai 100, Qian 1000, Wan 10000, Yi 100000000. Nothing like eleven, twenty. The other numbers are combined by them.
2/ We have Mao as an unit for 10 cents.
3/ When to discribe how many/how much, we use Liang instead of Er.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

DIY Notebook Sisters

After almost one week break, I made again notebooks! A pair of sisters!

Recycle Glass Bottles

This bottle was for soy sauce. Nice shape and very clear. It goes well with the Devil's Ivy.  
 And this was for oliver oil. I like the square shape. The sweet apple seeds inside are shiny and beautiful!
PS: E-aureum is the formal name for Devil's Ivy http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epipremnum_aureum

Monday, May 13, 2013

Gone Fishing Part Two

Testing new baits. No fish but nice evening with the birds and the sunset.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Chinese Lesson One

ni hao -- hello
ni men hao -- hello everybody
zao shang hao -- good morning
wan shang hao -- good evening
wan an -- good night
zai jian -- byebye
ming tian jian -- see you tomorrow
xie xie-- thank you
bu yong xie -- you are welcome
dui bu qi -- sorry
mei guan xi -- no problem
qing -- please
qing zuo -- sit down please
qing jin -- come in please

TONES: — / V \

INITIALS: n, h, m, z, sh, w, j, t, x, b, y, d, q, g (14 out of 23)

FINALS: i, ao, en, ang, an, ai, ing, ie, u, ong, ui, ei, in (13 out of 24)

Culture or habit:
1/ Normally we ask "how are you" only when we haven't met each other for a while, or we know the other one might have some problems. 
2/ We don't say "good afternoon".
3/ We put "please" always in very front.

General knowledge:
1/ Morpheme consists one Initial (consonant), one or two Finals (vowel), plus one tone. We can write it down as PinYin, the phonetic symbol.
2/ Word is made by one, or two (most of the case), or three or four morphemes. Each morpheme is meaningful, and it has more than one meanings. So to avoid confusion, it is not suggested to learn the meanings of every morpheme. Better to only understand the Word, instead of Morpheme.

Difficulties I found from the lesson: z, sh, x, q, ian, ie, ui, uo.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Separation of conscious mind from nature?

I am reading Jung and I had to make another post which quotes him. I believe this quote points to very important aspect of our minds which, in my opinion, may be one of the key reasons why humans are not able to live in a less destructive way on this earth.

"If the conscious mind becomes severed form instincts and loses its roots, while instincts, unable to express themselves, fall back into the unconscious and reinforce its energy, causing this in turn to overflow into the existing contents of the unconsciousness. It is then that the rootless condition of consciousness becomes a real danger.  This secret vis-a-tergo results in an hybris of conscious mind which manifests in the form of exaggerated self-esteem or inferiority complex. At all levels a loss of balance ensues, and this is the most fruitful soil for psychic injury." (from the Collected Works of Jung)

In my understanding this could be what have happened to the humanity by large. We have lost our connection to our basic instincts, thus losing the connection with nature, and now we live too one-sidedly according to our conscious ideas of the world, which seems to result in very destructive behavior and lifestyles.  

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Quotation From Alan Watts

Inability to accept the mystic experience is more than an intellectual handicap. Lack of awareness of the basic unity of organism and environment is a serious and dangerous hallucination. For in a civilization equipped with immense technological power, the sense of alienation between man and nature leads to the use of technology in a hostile spirit to the "conquest" of nature instead of intelligent co-operation with nature.

--- Alan Watts

Monday, May 6, 2013

Monday Notebook

I don't like this one too much, but maybe this is good for boys.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Sunday Shopping

Weekly supermarket shopping. I bought 4 yogurt, 4 bags of milk, 0.4kg pork, 2 carots, 1 piece of ginger, 1 bag of chilli, 2 bitter melons, 2 oranges, 2 avocados, 2 sugar apples, 1 dragon fruit. And I spent less than 6 euros.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Saturday Notebook

Here comes the Saturday notebook. I bought this new paper yesterday, but seems it is not so nice on this notebook. Or maybe the design is not good enought... But anyway, still lovely.

Book: Earth has a Soul - C.G.Jung on Nature, Technology & Modern Life

I finished the Anthill and started reading a new one which is a collection of writings from C.G. Jung. The book discusses the relationship of human and Nature and has been edited by Meredith Sabini.

Jung is one of my favorite authors and most likely one of the most realized persons who's writings I have read so far. In my opinion Jung is a misunderstood, or I would say not-understood, and he has been left into the shadow of Freud. In my understanding the reason for this is that what Jung taught was, and still is, too difficult for most to grasp. But the ideas of Freud are more straightforward and sometimes even over simplifications. Thus the ideas of Freud have become better known, at least in more popular culture.

However, I don't see that Jung's ideas are always conflicting with the ideas of Freud. Jung actually was Freud's pupil but Jung just continued a bit further. Basically Freud saw that everything in human life was driven by libido or similar crude life force with an aim only to reproduce. Jung's major contribution was the introduction of unconscious mind and its functioning. Jung found that in addition to more crude libido there are parts in our unconscious mind which some are collectively shared and some are more personal. Jung called these collective parts of our unconscious as archetypes.

One reason why Jung has been less understood is that he taught things which came from his own experiences but which are are less common among "normal people". Jung's experiences originate from his self-experiments, when he intentionally let him to be drifted away by his own unconscious mind. This is when he said he had conversations with his unconscious and met his Soul. These self-experiments are described in the Red Book which was published only after his death. Jung himself said that after these self-experiments he spent rest of his career translating his experiences into scientific language. Jung clearly made a journey into his own mind which very few people have done.

Jung's findings are, in my opinion, key to many important things in life. As he saw it, our actions are very much driven by the contents of our unconscious mind and therefore we should be increasingly aware of our own minds. This is very true especially in these times when the human culture is increasingly getting disconnected from Nature and its life giving powers.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Non-stop Notebook

It was like this at the beginning. 

But I felt it was a bit too light. I added one more red page below. The color matches good with the binding.

First of May: Gone Fishing

On first of May I decided to do something else instead of picnicking and drinking sparkling wine with hordes of people in the city parks. I needed some nature so I went for fishing to an island by the sea.
While I was having tea two swans came to greet me.
I also had a book with me: Anthill by E.O. Wilson. I have almost finished the book and nowadays whenever I see an anthill I see them differently than before.

I also found a birds nest on the making as well as a dining table of a squirrel.

The day was nice but I was missing on thing very badly: Bubu. 

Didn't get any fish.

Quotation From WALDEN

I found in myself, and still find, an instinct toward a higher, or, as it is named, spiritual life, as do most men, and another toward a primitive rank and savage one, and I reverence them both.


DIY Little Cat

Catty! I like it better than the bunny...